wine on the keyboard

April 2008

Life in Focus-The Dogwood

by Kay~Kacey on 4/27/2008


And another one:

white dogwood

After all, I don’t see why I am always asking for private, individual, selfish miracles when every year there are miracles like white dogwood. ~Anne Morrow Lindbergh

I love dogwoods. Especially white dogwoods. They remind me of the backyard of the home I grew up in. Warm weather and games of kick the can with the neighborhood kids. The ice cream man would start to come around up and down the streets playing his music – a siren call to all the kids. Spring camping trips with dogwoods scattered through the woods at the camp, the creeks running with the rainfall of spring storms. Dogwoods make me smile.

What’s your favorite spring flowering tree in your area?

Separation Anxiety

by Kay~Kacey on 4/26/2008

A sign just for me!

separation anxiety
Photohunt Unique Signs

‘Cause you know how I am if you get between me and my beverage of choice… :mrgreen:

beverage of choice

another one

Oh wait! There’s another one.

stolen beverage

And the STOLEN bottle!! That’s MINE!! Give. It. Back. No wait, that one’s empty. Give me a new icy cold one.

beverage among the flowers

So I love a glass of wine or a good margarita, but once it’s warm weather? Give me my Corona and my lime.

Have any of you seen that billboard anywhere? This is a crummy shot, through the window, with the car going 70. But SuperGuy wasn’t much enthused about going miles out of the way to drive past it again… Not to mention the minor miracle that I had my camera ready enough to capture this…and actually THOUGHT to snap a picture of it!

What’s your drink of choice in the summertime?

36 Hours

by Kay~Kacey on 4/25/2008

So, what would you do if you had 36 hours. ALONE. In your house??

Well yesterday I found myself in this position! SuperGuy was out of town. The male offspring are gone. So what does a woman do with 36 hours to herself?

Well, I work from home, but I can tell you this, I did NOT do a minute of work!

violets growing in the woods

I went out to the woods and discovered violets spreading through the woods behind my house.

I cooked grilled panini cheese bread. I played music way too loud and sang along. Then I turned everything off and enjoyed the quiet. I pulled out my guitar, unused for YEARS and played it. (couldn’t find my bag with all my sheet music in it though, have you seen it?? ) As an aside, I did find a folder of snippets of quotes that I’ve had since my teen years and some old photos from when the boys were little. Stashed in a drawer, not with the other pictures where they belong. 🙄 Had a great time looking through them.

I researched macro lenses online and browsed through some new to me photography forums. I knit some on a bright red cotton dishcloth. I messed with photoshop.

violet closeup

Here, you want a close up? You’re welcome.

I danced like a ballerina in the kitchen.

So I adore SuperGuy and my boys. :love: Really I do. I miss them. Sort of 😉 But 36 hours alone in my house is such a luxury! I stayed up late, slept on SuperGuy’s side of the bed…with ALL the pillows.

So if you had 36 hours alone in your house, what would you do??