wine on the keyboard

September 2008

Artful Blogging

by Kay~Kacey on 9/24/2008

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. A new find.

Artful Blogging Magazine

Artful Blogging Magazine.

Oh. My.

visually inspiring blogs

It’s like an eye candy festival of blogs. Blogs of people who do art and crafts. All photographed so cleverly as to make you drool. Honest. Or photography blogs where the bloggers use photography to tell a story. Or blogs just like ours. Real live bloggers who share themselves and their art. Whatever their art might be.

page after page

Page after page of lust worthy photos and brilliantly written words. Their tag line on their magazine? Visually Inspiring Online Journals.

There are just so many creative people out there with very creative blogs!

new blogs

I browse the magazine, then go browse the actual website.

artful website

I linger over the articles…and find some wonderful new sites.


The magazine is big and has wonderful thick pages. It’s glossy and colorful. The words the bloggers write are inspiring.

The art ranges from photography to papercrafts to drawings to cards to quilts to embellished clothes and back to photography. And everything in between. Really. Go pick up this magazine and see if you can walk away without buying it. They include partial posts from the bloggers, many of them writing about what blogging has meant to them and changed their lives. In the back they have a column where they show blog banners they love. Some really creative banners/headers are shown there.

Artful Blogging Magazine

The magazine is published quarterly by Somerset Studios. It’s $14.99 and worth every darn penny. I’ve found mine at Borders or Barnes and Noble. Or you can order it online here. No, I didn’t get paid to write this review. I just wanted to share my wonderful find with you, my blogging buddies. Pick one up. Sit back immerse yourself in a gloriously inspiring journey spotlighting some talented bloggers. And I thought decorating magazines were addictive… Have any of you seen this magazine?

I Want My Garage Back

by Kay~Kacey on 9/23/2008

I’m going to sneak this blog post in today because I think SuperGuy is going to be really busy at work and won’t have time to read this post. I hope. Because, once again my blogging friends, I need your help…

I don’t ask a lot out of life, really. I’m basically content and happy. Most of the time. Or I quickly get back to being content and happy if I have a momentary blip. I think that’s fairly normal, right?

But one thing? The ONE THING I want thing I want REALLY badly?? My garage. I want it back.

messy garage

SuperGuy does a lot of woodworking, as seen by all my made for Kacey posts. And I appreciate it!! But he’s slowly taken over the whole garage. I want it back. Well, at least “my side” of it. He promised me I’d have it back last winter. But then the garage door opener quit working and one thing led to another and it never happened. He never cleaned out my side of the garage. As a total aside, he has a remote starter on his truck, so he doesn’t mind the cold-winter-mornings-car-left-outside-leaving-early thing.

Anyway, once again I’ve started to harp suggest to SuperGuy that he needs to, well, actually CLEAR OUT the garage so I can use it this winter. We’ll see.

You guys will support me on this one, right? Unlike the few terribly wrong misguided people who thought his ground cover was a great idea and sided with him… What do you say? Shouldn’t I have my side of the garage all cleaned out to use this winter??

[poll id=”21″]

Long Forgotten Toys

by Kay~Kacey on 9/22/2008

So I was outside cleaning up the mess on our deck, and look what I saw?

lego guy on deck

This Lego Guy nestled among the leaves. Now, mind you, our youngest child is 18…

So I got to thinking. I’m sure I’ve seen some other Lego pieces around the house.

lego man

Like this Lego man sitting on top of a bookcase. I remember coming across him when I was moving things around from the Ike mess.

Lego chest

Like this pirate guy and his treasure chest hiding out by some of my pretty notebooks. You’d think after all these years, I would have picked up all these pieces. Stored them in the basement in the Lego Tupperware containers. But, no. I think, subconsciously, I like having them around. Reminding me of the hours and hours my boys spent playing with Legos. Making castles. Making forts. Making towns. Okay, Okay, I confess. I loved playing Legos with the boys too. :love:

So when I pull open a drawer, or open a box, and I see a Lego guy? I’m not really in any hurry to put it where it belongs, in the Lego container in the basement. The container where all the hundreds of pieces are waiting patiently for new little boys to discover them and build a fort, or skyscraper, or medieval castle.

Lego tower

Or space stations. Let’s not forget the space station Lego sets. I wonder what kind of sets Lego will come up with in the future? I just know if any little kids want to play with the Legos at my home, I’ll gladly get out the Lego container and plop down on the floor with them and start building.

What were/are some of your kids’ favorite toys from childhood?