wine on the keyboard

January 2009

Let it Shine

by Kay~Kacey on 1/28/2009

Oh! Look at one of my antiquing finds! Have I shown you this?

antique milk glass lamp

A milk glass lamp. Isn’t it cool? It has two lights in it. One at the top, one in the base. You can turn on either one or both. I heart :love: :love: this lamp. Honest. I would marry it –but I’m already married to SuperGuy!

milk glass lamp

See the lovely flowers, vines, and leaves? SuperGuy checked the wiring and said it was okay so I HAD to have it. I practically STOLE it too! I love a good deal. (I really think the hunt is my favorite part of antiquing!)

Isn’t it wonderful? Let there be light!

Such a Tough Guy

by Kay~Kacey on 1/27/2009

He tries to pretend that he is such a tough guy.

filling bird feeders

A real man.

finch feeder

But then I worried out loud about the birds. There isn’t any seed in the feeders since we’ve been out of town…

fill the bird feeders

And it’s snowing! The birds are looking at me with soulful, cold, hungry eyes. (Yes, I can tell all that from one quick look. Why do you ask??)

cold cardinal

So SuperGuy goes out and braves the elements to fill up the bird feeders. (It’s not that I’m helpless. I just don’t do cold and snow…)

winter hat

As an aside…why is it, when SuperGuy wears a hat…which he very rarely does…is the hat never covering his ears?? Isn’t that what hats are for? To keep your head and ears warm??

But I digress..

So SuperGuy can claim he’s a tough guy until the cows come home. I KNOW he was worried about our poor little birdies too. 😉 It’s not fair to abandon them in their hour of need!

Tough guy, yeah, right… 🙄

January Photo of the Month Contest

by Kay~Kacey on 1/26/2009

Yes, it’s that time again. The famous and fabulous photo of the month contest! This month our theme is going to be COLD. Now, I mean cold in the global sense. You know, anyway you want to tie cold into your picture. Like snow, or ice, or frozen, or a fire, or a hot cup of coffee. That’s what I mean by a global tie in 😉 A title for your photo is always appreciated!

Send me a link to your photo either in email, leave a link in the comments here, or use the contact button at the top of my site. You have until the 31st to submit your entries. One entry per person. I won’t make any changes to the photos except size them to fit my blog. Have any questions? Ask away in the comments!

Which leads me to…

wine cork trivet

SuperGuy finished the wine cork trivet that Suzanne won in the photo of 2008 contest. He graciously modeled the trivet in his favorite no sniveling tshirt. He’s a nice like that…


I love the wood on this trivet! Love the grain, the color, the smooth finish.

Which leads me to…

did you now that Suzanne’s Chickens in the Road blog is a finalist in The Bloggies for Best Kept Secret Blog? If you can get past the annoying LONG side scroll (horizontal scroll…just keep going and going and going…), you can see all the blogs that are nominated and vote for your favorite in each category. Or the categories that interest you. Go check it out.

And don’t forget to send me those links to your COLD photos!