wine on the keyboard

Kacey’s Musings

Rereading the Past

by Kay~Kacey on 12/2/2007

Do you ever go back and reread your old posts? I went back and browsed through some posts from when I started this blog back in 2005. I’d forgotten some of the things I’d done that year. Little things in life that had caught my attention. Like how I come up with blog topics or how I hated my couch and then finally got a new one. or little bits of education about seat ganks

But the most fun was just reading a sentence here or there about things going on it my life. Old pictures from conferences. Some topics I’d like to cover again and see how my opinions have changed in the last two years.

So, do you ever go back and browse through your old blog posts?

The last flowers of fall

by Kay~Kacey on 10/14/2007

So it’s autumn here. The weather just doesn’t know it yet. Here is a stray flower that is managing to survive
pink flower

and this one:
fall flower

I’m SO not ready for winter… Though I do miss writing in front of the fireplace :love:

07/07/07 I know, I know

by Kay~Kacey on 7/7/2007

but it amuses me! I’m going to try and get this to post at 7:07 am my time. If I can get WordPress to believe what time zone I’m in.