wine on the keyboard

Forgot to Pack

by Kay~Kacey on 10/18/2008

When we were packing for The Love Nest, we forgot a few necessities.

no silverware

No silverware. Oops!

no wine glasses

But even more disturbing…no wine glasses! 😯

I’m off to go shopping to remedy both of these problems.

The Love Nest

by Kay~Kacey on 10/17/2008

Okay, remember when we were temporarily sharing an apartment with our son when SuperGuy worked over in Columbia? Well, that was fine, but really….it was SUCH a college kid apartment complex. We’ve had our name on a few waiting lists around town for places that don’t rent to undergraduates. (that makes us sound stuffy or old. Hm…maybe we are both. No, really, we’re fun, but not college aged fun, you know?) Finally an apartment became available. So we moved out and into our own place this week. At least for the days that SuperGuy works over here.

I wanted to show you lots of pics of the new place, but I’m exhausted. Let’s just show you that I DO have my priorities in order:

broadband setup

I have the broadband wireless all set up. You don’t think I’d forget about you guys, do you??

bed and laptop

We have a mattress set until our bed is delivered. (yes, we finally ordered a Sleep Number bed like we wanted.) Oh, is that a Corona beside the bed? Okay, I’ll go take care of that…

I really enjoyed sharing the apartment with The Photography One, but I’m sure he’s glad to have the place back to himself. I’ll miss sitting out on his deck and drinking beer and talking. I saw him more in the last 5 months than I did in the last 5 years. It was fun. Of course I can always still go over there and bug him visit with him.

puppy in backyard

We’re going to totally miss Charlie though!!

Note to self: NEVER rent a 3rd floor apartment without an elevator. Moving in was, well, challenging. I’m exhausted. More pics to come soon.

Oh, and THE LOVE NEST. We are SO totally calling the apartment THE LOVE NEST because it absolutely grosses all the boys out when we say that. Love nest, love nest, love nest. :rofl: Even my mother calls it our love nest!

Signs of Autumn

by Kay~Kacey on 10/16/2008

I have a love/hate relationship with autumn. I hate to see the long sunlight hours dwindle and the days get shorter.

fallen leaf

The air gets crisp. The colors turn vivid.

red leaf

I love all the brilliant colors in autumn. The grass is still green. The leaves slide into a million shades of yellow, red, orange and everything in between.

sunny autumn day

I check the leaves when I’m out walking, wondering when the “peak” season will be. Planning a day trip with SuperGuy to go out and see the foliage and grab our cameras and snap away.

But eventually…

dead leaves

The glorious colors of autumn fade out to dead, dreary, brown and gray. Then it turns cold. I hate cold. I’ve always been one of those people that have a hard time regulating my temperature. I get cold easily and it’s a miserable feeling. So while I may be a sweater gal at heart.. loving the first chances to pull on a beloved sweater and walk in the tumultuous colors of autumn..I can’t deny I’m so not a winter person. Short days with little sunlight. Overcast skies. Cold. Driving on ice. Nope, I could do without winters.

So how about you? Are you loving a certain season? Enjoy them all? Have one that you really don’t like? Confess all here…