wine on the keyboard

Thursday Thoughts

by Kay~Kacey on 8/7/2008

Since no one visits my blog on Thursdays anyway … I thought I’d take this time for a tiny rant. Just a little one. (and, yes, Thursdays are still my lowest traffic day to this blog. Not. A. Clue.)

It comes to no surprise to those who read this blog very often that I’m in love with all things techie. :love: Honest. (well, all things techie, and SuperGuy.) But I digress. So, I’m wanting the new iPhone. Yes, I KNOW, I have the “old” iPhone. Which I’m going to generously give to SuperGuy 😉 as soon as I can get my hands on a new iPhone. But I have my principles. I’m NOT going to stand in line. :mad2:

First generation iPhone

Now, I realize that this isn’t a big deal in the scheme of bad things going on in the world. It’s not up there with war, starving, disease or the fact my backyard is still dug up and no patio put in. (digressing again, sorry…) But it’s bugging me. So know what bugs me more? I go to the Apple Store last night at 8:45 pm with The Geeky One who had to take in his Macbook Pro ’cause the camera in it is broken and he can’t video iChat with me. with work.

So I ask if they have any iPhones left to sell. “Nope. We’re out.” (liars) BUT, you can check our stock online after 9pm. Okay. So I get home at 9:15pm…you know, like 30 minutes later…and lo and behold…they have iPhones in stock. :wallbash: So, what? They got a delivery at 9pm that night?? :wtf: No, that means they HAVE the stock, but they aren’t selling them until the next day. No, let’s not treat our customers like they should be treated. That just ticks me off as I sit here typing this on my iMac, with my macbook sitting beside me. Hey, I’m an unabashed Apple fangirl. But the way they are handling this whole new iPhone thing is ticking me off. Besides, SuperGuy’s cell phone is hardly holding a charge anymore, but I don’t want to replace it with another Sprint phone, I want to get him on AT&T with The Photography One, The Geeky One and me. With my old iPhone. As soon as I can get a new iPhone.

Okay, rant off. I guess. But really, Apple, I expect way more of you than this. Your momma would NOT be proud of you!

As an aside…Why, yes. That is my first generation iPhone sitting on the carpet. That obviously has NOT been vacuumed. So from the things I asked the males to do before my mother-in-law came to town?

From The Geeky One’s List:

Bags of clothes put away: check, I did it.
Beer glasses and mugs put away: check. He did it. You don’t think a male wants to take the chance his mom might throw out beer mugs do you?

From SuperGuy’s List:
Mother-in-law’s present wrapped: check I did it.
Pile of Stuff put away out of kitchen: check (I think he hid it in his truck :mrgreen: )
Pile of stuff off the stairs: check–some of it. I finished up the rest.
Clean stuff off the bed in the guest room: check, yeah, sure…he piled it all down in my office… :angry:
Vacuum the floor: :rofl: :rofl: Yes, who was I kidding. Check. I did it.

Okay, well, that is all my ranting for the day. Guess I’ll go off and find an ice cold summer beverage of choice with my name on it and indulge in a bit of attitude adjustment.

Great photos for the July Photo of the Month contest….now the winners!!


Kate , from Chronicles of a Country Girl, for her gorgeous flower she entered in the red category.


Tug, another flower winner! Her lovely white flower she entered in the white category.


Scrappy Sue’s fantastic Lone Church in the blue category.

Thanks to all who participated by submitting their photos, and thanks to all who took the time to vote. We had such great photos this time, it was hard to choose a favorite! Thank goodness I smartened up and made three categories so we could pick three photos! 😉

Now, the news you’ve all been waiting for, the big announcement…

August Photo of the Month Theme

Best Caption for a Photo!

We’ve had some cleverly captioned photos in the last few months. Amy’s Proper Application of Sunscreen in June’s Photo of the Month contest. Oh, and don’t forget Flea’s World Wide Watermelon from July’s contest. We’ve had other great captions too. (I’m horrible at this, so you guys all can way outdo me this month!) So snap those photos and come up with clever captions! I’ll remind you again near the end of the month.

Alrighty then. Let’s practice…who can come up with the most clever caption for this photo?



YouYou Meme part two

by Kay~Kacey on 8/5/2008

Once again I want to link out to some fabulous bloggers I’ve met either IRL (in real life) or online. So it’s time for another youyou meme. When it’s all about you, not me. (I know, amazing, huh?) My last youyou meme if you want to check out some other cool sites.

Morningside Mom. I found her when I was out looking for people going to BlogHer. Never did get to meet her in person though. Check out her post on Blogging Karma. Excellent.
Gwen Bell. She was on a panel at a workshop at BlogHer. I have her to thank…I think 😉 …for my current twitter addiction. I had a Twitter account before, but I couldn’t seem to jump in and “get it.” Now I do. Twitter on my desktop, my laptop, my iPhone. Twitter R Us. Anyway, Gwen was very encouraging about hopping right in on Twitter.

Her blog is filled with information and links to very interesting people. She’s a Kirtsy editor too. I don’t know what else to say, except she is very giving woman. Of her time and her talent. Funny too!


Mental Pause Mama from the Mental Pause Chronicles. Yes, I’m sure most of you know her already, but just in case. Go visit her! She’s funny, honest, great photos…and has a way of sometimes stating the obvious in words that makes me spit my wine on my keyboard. We are so on the same wave length!


Velma from A Smeddling Kiss. I met her at BlogHer. Yes, in person. She has a funny, poignant blog about life. From living with her oncologist husband and her clever comments about her kids…to general thoughts on life. If you’re on twitter? Follow her. Velma. She cracks me up.


So hop over and visit these bloggers. If you’re inspired to do a youyou meme of your own, drop back by here and leave a link to your youyou meme post. Or leave a link to a blog you want to share here in the comments.

flower in carmel
I’m pretty sure I could actually make myself do a post without a photo. Probably. When we went on our side trip to Carmel before BlogHer, we found the town covered in these beautiful flowers.