wine on the keyboard


Really Happy Person

by Kay~Kacey on 3/18/2008

So, who knew? That I was the second, or seventh, happiest person on the internet?

orchids and shadows

So I got an email from someone today who said they were a bit down and decided to Google “really happy person”. I was the second one on the list. :mrgreen: So I was the second happiest person on the internet! Well, it was actually my post Are You Really Happy., you know, not me personally. 😉

first signs of spring peaking up

Well, when I went and googled really happy person, I came up seventh. But I was above a post on Britney Spears! So I’m happier than she is. 🙄

This person made my day when they dropped me a note in my contact form saying that is how they found my blog. It made me, well, happy.

woodpecker in early morning

I think that life is what you make of it. You can seize opportunities, change things you don’t like in your life, and learn to appreciate the good things you do have. Well, yes, life throws us curves. Deaths, divorces, illness, kids that won’t behave 😛 But I firmly believe that a positive outlook will bring you a happier life. It took me awhile to figure that out. A long while. I’m baby boomer age. But I did figure it out. Who knew it would be this stage of life where I’m the happiest and most at peace with my life? I’m a really happy person…most of the time.

deer in first morning light

Well, and really, who could help but be really happy when they wake up to scenes like this in the early morning light out their window?

Everyone is Staring at Me

by Kay~Kacey on 3/9/2008

All day long I just had the strangest feeling that someone was watching me…
the man in the tree

I’m not sure why I felt that way. I just did. Weird, huh?

deer staring

Well, I hope you all remembered to spring forward (for all of you daylight savings people) and set your clocks forward an hour. I’m looking forward to it being light later in the evenings.

And it’s Sunday! I love Sundays. Start of a new week. Almost as good as Mondays, when I jump into the week and actually do something with it, after wasting away my Sundays! Mondays are kind of like a mini January 1st…everyweek. So tomorrow is Monday and I have a list a mile long of things to do. But that’s okay, because I actually do get a lot done on Mondays.

What day of the week is your get ‘er done day of the week?

Hello? It’s a Bird Feeder

by Kay~Kacey on 2/7/2008

It comes to no surprise to you, I’m sure, that I have a bird feeder out my window. A BIRD feeder. You know, for the birds.
Female Cardinal at bird feeder

Now, this squirrel is NOT a bird. No matter what he thinks. But he sits at the base of the bird feeder and eats. He used to eat IN the feeder until we got a squirrel proof feeder. And moved it 3 times so he couldn’t jump to the feeder and knock all the seed out so the poor little birds got no food.

And though this deer is very pretty, he’s not a bird either. Bird feeder BIRD FEEDER.
deer at the bird feeder

I exhaust myself daily trying to explain to all these animals that I have a Bird Feeder. For, you know, the birds. Okay, I guess you could call these turkeys birds. But they weren’t what I had in mind.
five wild turkeys

Not to mention the little rascals are destructive. They knocked down the thistle feeder. I was not amused. Look at him. Trying to act all innocent. “Who me??” (he’ll probably blame it on his little brother. That’s what boys do.) As if I can’t see him. He’s lucky Thanksgiving is so many months away.
innocent turkey

It really is a bird feeder. See? I keep trying to convince all the other animals…
3 birds at the feeder