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wine on the keyboard


Artistic and Creative

by Kay~Kacey on 6/16/2009

Can you stand another post about growing my hair out?? I can ALMOST pull it back into a pony tail now. Seriously. A year and 3 months later!!


Notice the clever pink hair elastic matches my shirt. I’m always coordinated like that. Honest. Really…


Okay, honestly, it usually looks like this. All falling down and slightly messy artistic and creative. Yep, I’m into my artistic and creative hair length now. What do you think? Does it sell?? :mrgreen:

One Year Later

by Kay~Kacey on 4/1/2009

Honestly, have you EVER seen hair grow more slowly?? One year ago I got my last short haircut. Right before we went on Spring Break.


This. Is. Taking. Forever. Is this a getting older thing? Slow growing hair?? (I’m sure you’re getting tired of me whining about it too. :crazy: )


Okay, so you didn’t hear it from me, and I’ll deny it if anyone asks.. :secret: but I’m starting to like my longer hair. There I said it.  😛

Growing out my hair-part two

by Kay~Kacey on 12/2/2008

Well, I’m past the just shoot me phase of growing my hair out. (no, go ahead, click the link then come back.Look at where my hair was the end of June. See? It IS growing!) I’m firmly into the “what the heck was I thinking” stage. I thought I’d give you a quick update on my progress.

attempted to do a self portrait

So I attempted to do a self-portrait. Yeah, I got a lot of shots like this… :mad2:

back of hair

The back is longer, see? It has a few layers and just does its own thing. Mostly.

front of hair

The front is taking forever to grow out long enough to even tuck back behind my ears. The bangs sometimes drive me nuts, sometimes they don’t.

curling iron

Ding, dang, diddly :mrgreen: I don’t like the time it takes to do my hair now. I’d forgotten my intense dislike for curling irons. Read: burning my fingers all the time. My hair holds the curl for about 15 seconds. Sigh.

I have a big, fancy holiday party to go to…and I’m not sure I’m going to make it without cutting my hair off short before I go to the party. I just can’t make my hair at this stage look like I’ve done ANYTHING to it!

Sigh. I know that once it would get to the pull back stage I’d be fine. (It’s almost there. I can sort of pull it back, clip it up, and use a few clips to hold the falling out pieces… I’m so close…and yet so far. Sigh.)

Of COURSE we’ll take a vote, okay??

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