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wine on the keyboard


Traditional Oatmeal Cookies

by Kay~Kacey on 12/20/2008

This recipe has been in our family for generations. It makes the best oatmeal cookies ever. Really.

oatmeal cookie ingredients

1 1/2 cups flour
1 t baking soda
1 t salt
2 t cinnamon
3/4 cup shortening (I use butter, I’m sure my grandmother used lard…)
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
3 C Old Fashioned Quaker Oats (you can use Quick, but I prefer Old Fashioned)
couple tablespoons of powdered sugar for flattening cookies

Makes about 3-4 dozen, depending on size.

kitchenaide mixer

Cream shortening, both sugars, and eggs. Preferably in a lovely KitchenAid mixer. I heart my Red KitchenAid mixer. (Yes, I realize my grandmother mixed her cookies by hand, but I had to go tangential there for a minute. They are still authentic traditional oatmeal cookies if you use a mixer. Trust me!)

Add the rest of the incredients (except the powdered sugar). Mix well. Drop cookies onto greased cookie sheet.

powered sugar mess

Put some powdered sugar in a bowl. Try not to makes a mess like I did.

powdered sugar

If it’s Christmas time and you use a red bowl, so much the better. :mrgreen:

flatten cookies

Flatten the cookies with a fork dipped in powdered sugar.

Bake for 8 to 10 minutes at 350 degrees.

milk and cookies

Serve with an ice cold glass of milk. (and if you think that’s all the cookies I ate, you’re sadly mistaken! 🙄 ) You can also substitute a nice glass of wine for the cold glass of milk. Both work well as a side beverage. 😆 Enjoy.

Easy Stuffed Chicken

by Kay~Kacey on 10/19/2008

How about a quick, easy recipe for stuffed chicken breasts? Yes, I’m fully aware that most of the recipes I post here have the word easy or quick in them. I’m an easy kind of gal. No, that didn’t sound right. Nevermind. You know what I mean. While I do have some time consuming, complicated recipes, I find as I get older, I rarely reach for them. So I’ll share with you one of my almost instant dinners.

Easy Stuffed Chicken Breasts

chicken breasts (however many you need to feed your family)
Chives (I prefer fresh, but if you don’t have them growing out your door like I do, use dried)
Cream Cheese (I prefer soft cream cheese, a couple 2-3 tablespoons per chicken breast.)
Bacon (one piece per breast)

easy chicken ingredients

Really, can it get much easier than this?

homemade spice rack

Get your chives right out your back door, or grab them off your homemade spice rack.

cream cheese and chives

Mix chives in with the cream cheese. I think I used about a half the tub of cream cheese for 4 large chicken breasts. Give or take. A couple of teaspoons of dried chives. Use more or less to taste.

stuff with cream cheese

Flatten the chicken breasts. (I flattened but didn’t pound them flat, you know?). Spread on cream cheese mixture.

wrap in bacon

Wrap in bacon and place open/stuffed side up on wire rack over baking pan. (I’ve also just baked them down in the pan, but I prefer to bake them up out of the grease/drippings).

Bake for about an hour on 350. (Note to self, use regular sliced bacon, not this thick sliced bacon I used this time so the bacon gets crispier.)

There you have it! The main course of a romantic dinner for two…

don't forget me

Oh, or a dinner for three if the Geeky One is here too! :mrgreen:

Pork Tenderloin Recipe

by Kay~Kacey on 9/4/2008

Looking for a quick and easy recipe for an entree? Try this pork tenderloin recipe! (notice a trend on my recipes? Quick. Easy.)

old church recipe book

I got this recipe from this old church recipe book. It was from the church I went to when I was a little girl. This was my grandmother’s copy of the book because I was like 6 or so when it was published, so obviously I didn’t get my own copy then. I grew up eating lots of recipes from this book. You can see the book is a bit tattered, but I still hold it dear.

pork tenderloin ingredients


2 pork tenderloins
4 slices of bacon
1 tbsp grated onions (I use minced onions if I don’t have fresh)
1 clove garlic or garlic salt (I use minced garlic or sometimes garlic powder if I don’t have fresh garlic)
1 tbsp wine vinegar
1/2 tsp sugar

pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon

Line a pan with foil. Trust me. You’ll want to do this. Makes clean up a snap. I’m into easy.

Wrap the pork tenderloin in bacon. Sprinkle other ingredients on top. (really, how much easier can this get?)

Bake uncovered for 2 hours at 300 degrees. (or if you’re like me and always running a bit behind 🙄 , you can also bake at 325 for about 1 1/2 hours.)

slice on the diagonal

Slice it on the diagonal using the perfect knife like SuperGuy is demonstrating for us.

pork tenderloin and peaches

Doesn’t that look yummy?? I usually serve with some wild rice and call it good. My mom adds a couple splashes of soy sauce to it when she makes it ’cause my mom can’t just follow a recipe without messing with it a bit. :mrgreen: