wine on the keyboard

November 2008

Is there anything sexier

by Kay~Kacey on 11/26/2008

….really, is there anything sexier, than a man with a vacuum?

man with a vacuum

I think not!

man with vacuum

:love: :love: :love: Are you getting any help with your Thanksgiving preparations?? SuperGuy is frying the turkey too! A man who cooks is almost as sexy as a man who vacuums!

Life’s Big Questions

by Kay~Kacey on 11/25/2008

Another thing I like about The Love Nest? It’s the time SuperGuy and I spend driving there and back. He usually drives unless he’s exhausted. I sit and knit or take photos. We talk. It’s good couple time. Much nicer than road trips when the boys were younger where I spent the whole time breaking up fights or listening to kids songs until I could just scream… 😯

hilly road

Anyway, in between talking with SuperGuy, knitting, and taking photos…I have lots of time to ponder the big questions of the universe.

dust on the dashboard

When is the last time I cleaned off my dashboard? It’s so dusty! Why don’t I have a macro lens? It would have taken a great shot of the dusty dashboard…

missouri river bridge

Why do I have an irrational fear of driving over bridges? I swear I’d drive over them with my eyes closed if it were at all possible. Is this why SuperGuy likes to do most of the driving? :crazy2:

bug splat

Why is the big bug splat always on MY side of the windshield? Especially when I’m trying to take pictures?

side by side trucks

Why do we always seem to get behind two trucks that block all the traffic and act like they don’t have a clue? For miles and miles and miles.

Antique Mall sign

Can I convince SuperGuy to stop at yet another antique mall? For just a few minutes, I swear, honey. :angel:

gas prices

And why, oh why, with all the things we see on the road trip…does this sign impress SuperGuy the most? Kind of like his favorite part of the cruise.

Well, I haven’t solved all the world’s problems yet…nor answered the unanswerable questions I came up with on the trip…but I did get quite a bit of knitting finished… (did you see yesterday’s post? The photo of the month contest is there. Go vote!)

October/November Photo of the Month Contest

by Kay~Kacey on 11/24/2008

Here is our combined October and November Photo of the Month Contest. The. Photos. Are. Gorgeous! So, this month big news!! You can vote for up to THREE, count ’em 3 photos in the poll.

Melissa Marsh
Melissa Marsh

Mental Pause Mama
Mental Pause Mama

Crazy Daisy
Crazy Daisy

Mary – Silent

amy – Stormy Sunrise

kate– The Beauty of the Rain

marcie – Juliet and Romeo




Deb –Mirror Lake in the Fall

carnation closeup

Remember, you can choose up to THREE photos!
[poll id=”23″]

Happy voting!