wine on the keyboard

November 2008

The Last Stoplight on I-64

by Kay~Kacey on 11/23/2008

(photo of the month contest up tomorrow!)

This traffic signal is the bane of my existence. The last stoplight on I-64.

The only stoplight from all the way from Virginia to St. Louis!

last stoplight highway 64

And this darn stoplight is IN MY WAY. The traffic backs up. And up. It’s smack on the way on our drive to The Love Nest. I think it’s going to still be here for like another year. WHY isn’t this some kind of priority? There used to be about a half dozen stoplights along this stretch. Slowly they’ve put in overpasses and taken out the lights.

callahan road stoplight

Except for this one. :angry: At Callahan road. Not that Callahan road is a busy intersection either…what with all the other overpasses they’ve put in. Half the country, from the east coast to the midwest has managed to keep highway 64 stoplight free. Not us.

highway 64 callahan road stoplight

If we don’t get out of town early enough, we sit here through I can’t even count how many changes of this stoplight. I do not like this stoplight! :wallbash:

If Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia have managed to have NO stoplights along this interstate, why has Missouri taken so long to get with the program? Once this stoplight is gone, it will be a straight shot over to Columbia. Without this aggravating stoplight. :mad2:

Ah, life’s little annoyances. :crazy2:

Do you have any stretch of road by you that drives you crazy?? :cursing:

BTW–I’m working on doing up the Photo of the Month contest post. It takes a long time to put together and it’s easier to do on my iMac at home than the macbook I take to The Love Nest. The Photo of the Month contest will be posted tomorrow!!

SuperGuy can fix anything

by Kay~Kacey on 11/22/2008

So, I was complaining at the apartment that you can actually feel COLD AIR coming through the outlets on the outside walls. Since it was in the teens (brrrrr!) this was a problem for me :shakehead: So I’m thinking maybe we need some of those childproof plug covers. (which I remember annoy me no end trying to pry them out when you actually want to USE the outlet!)

But wait, SuperGuy goes and gets these…

socket sealers

WHO? KNEW??? ❓ ❓ You unscrew the faceplate put this on and screw the faceplate back. Easy peasy.

I consider myself fairly self sufficient. I could have easily done this fix…if I’d only known that something like this even existed!! Are males just born with some gene that lets them KNOW this stuff?? :crazy2:

When a man does a chore

by Kay~Kacey on 11/21/2008

So….I decided I couldn’t stand the plainness of my dining room walls at The Love Nest.

dining room wall

So I bought a mirror to hang on the wall. Besides it’s the wall opposite the doors to the balcony, so I figured it would reflect back the light, right?

So we find a mirror that has the reddish tones of the mahogany as well as a black trim that matches the seats to the dining room table. All set, right? Oh, and beveled glass. I love beveled glass!

So SuperGuy proceeds to hang the mirror.


Well, first we had to make up a toolbox for The Love Nest. 🙄 All full of lots of toolie things that might someday be needed for “chores” around The Love Nest. (okay, you are warned…there might be an over abundance of eye rolls in this post…)

picture wire

First we needed picture wire. Well, this isn’t really picture wire, it’s some wire from the 7,592 miles of wire that we have at the house. At least he used up like 36 inches of it for this project. 🙄

Then we argued discussed for awhile about where the best place for the mirror should be. Copious measuring and levels are involved with this step. 🙄

martini help

I help out with my own suggestions in my own martini helpful way. (As an aside….I SO need martini glasses for The Love Nest…and wine glasses for that matter) But I digress…

just the right screw

Then we have to find just the right screw to use for this project. A little plastic thingie that you then put the real live metal screw in. Who knew there were such things in the magic toolbox?? 🙄

mirror on wall

Finally the chore is finished and my pretty mirror is up on the wall. Doesn’t it look nice? But, wait! Is the chore really finished? Can a male really just do one chore without getting distracted?? :wallbash:

fix chair

Oh, good. Now all the screws on my dining room chairs are all tightened up too! Who knew they even needed it??? 🙄 🙄 🙄

Do the males in your life sometimes make projects just a bit more complicated than they actually need to be?? Get a bit sidetracked when they set out to do a chore? Males. Gotta love ’em.