wine on the keyboard

December 2008

The Illusive Amaryllis
– I swear I stalked this Amaryllis, and the red one, trying to capture the perfect shot. I took hundreds of photos of them.

riot of color
Riot of Color
– from Palm Springs last winter. The one in which SuperGuy and I competed for the perfect flower shot.

deer in the snow
Innocence in the Snow
– I love this photo

Flowers in the Window
– one of my numerous bouquets of astramaria this year

The Simple Carnation
– amazing that a simple, inexpensive flower can look so lovely

The buck stops here
The Buck Stops Here
– I love my backyard

Shades of Orange
Shades of Orange
– in which Kacey tries to capture every possible shade of orange

summer fun
Summer Fun
– really, does that not look like the definition of fun?

purple goodness
The Floral Side of Carmel
– yes, I took a lot of flower photos this year. I know it. A lot.

Light the Way Home
– also in sepia tones on Flickr

beach flower
The Beach Flower
– from a perfect day spent driving down the California coast with SuperGuy, stopping to photograph along the way

where there is love
Where There is Love
– using the stolen borrowed macro from The Photography One

chuck taylors
Never Too Old to Wear Cute Shoes
– the title says it all

– my addiction to taking photos of all things reflective

dogwood blossoms
Gentle Spring Rain
– the dogwood branches right out my bedroom window, assuring me that spring is really here

Last, but certainly not least–in case you missed it in the post I linked to yesterday:
in case you missed it yesterday
Great View
– of COURSE you knew this was going to be one of my favorite photos of the year!

Happy New Year my blogging buddies! May your new year be filled with good health, happiness, dear friends, warm gentle winds and sunny skies.

2008 at Wine on the Keyboard

by Kay~Kacey on 12/30/2008

Ah, we’ve had some great moments this year, haven’t we? Lots of laughs, lots of memories, tons of photos. I thought to close out this year, I’d share links to a few of my favorite posts of the year.

My High Heels to Crocs post where I wonder when THAT happened to me? When did I become the comfortable shoe woman?

There was my ode to SuperGuy for valentine’s day. :love:

There was the melancholy that set in as my youngest prepared for college and I wondered who was that woman in the mirror?

There was my own rendition of Sunrise, Sunset…still makes me tear up to read it.

Oh! How can I forget this one? How real men celebrate spring. Complete with a nice shot of SuperGuy’s butt. :love:

And last, but not least, my own thoughts on what a woman needs to learn by the time a woman turns 50.

Tomorrow I’m going to share a few of my favorite photos of 2008. I so enjoyed learning more about photography this year and sharing my photos, and my life with you, my blogging friends.

Just a preview:


A Dear Deer Story

by Kay~Kacey on 12/29/2008

Once upon a time there was a cute little deer. He was a bit confused and liked to eat at the bird feeder.

deer at bird feeder

He really liked bird seed. Who knew?

deer eating seed

Well, not as much as the Easter Eggs that he gets to eat after the crazy humans use the sling shot to shoot the eggs back into the woods, but a deer can’t have Easter more than once a year. Sigh.

what are you staring at

“What are you staring at, Lady? I’m not afraid of you and that black thing you always have in front of your face…clicking away at me. Not nearly as scarey as those loud booming things those men with the orange hats carry around with them.”

I hear something

“Wait! I hear something….”

deer eating in backyard

“Nah, it wasn’t anything. I’ll go back to eating. But, Lady, hard boiled eggs would be good about now. Or remember the time the male humans shot the cinnamon rolls you overcooked out into the woods? Those were good too. We deer like variety, you know.”

young deer

“Oh, I did hear something. It was my little friend, the baby deer. Well, she doesn’t eat much. I’ll share.”

all the deer

“Oh. My. Gosh. (ding dang diddly!!) Where did all these deer come from?? I was here first!!”

Deer leaving

“Sigh. Fine, I’ll just leave then. They ate up all the good stuff. I’ll have to sneak back later after the lady’s husband fills up the feeder again. Those silly birds always dump a lot of seed on the ground when he first fills up the feeder.”

“Oh, and Lady? I still see you there with your clicky black thingie. Maybe you could stand up and scare away all those other deer?”

…and they all lived happily ever after when big male human put out a salt block and more bird seed. Luckily the lady once again ruined the cinnamon rolls so all the deer were very well fed after an afternoon of sling shot madness.