wine on the keyboard

A mother daughter moment

by Kay~Kacey on 10/31/2008

Happy Halloween my friends! I thought I’d pause to share one of my favorite mother/daughter moments. WHAT you thought I had ALL BOYS? Well, I do. But never let that stop me from finding a way to have a mother-daughter moment!

halloween costumes

Okay, okay. That was The Impish One in grade school. All dressed up as a girl. Just cracked me up when I came across this photo the other day. Had to scan it in to share with you.

Notice the very chic cell phone clipped to my waist. I’m thinking I like my iPhone better! Can I just say I’m SO glad to be past that stage of my life! The whole scenerio, to be repeated over and over again each year:

“What do you want to be for Halloween?”
“I want to be a Ninja Turtle.”
“Okay.” I start making costume. Almost finish costume.
“I changed my mind. I want to be the Star Wars guy.”
grrrr “Are you sure?”
“Yep, I swear I won’t change my mind again.” (which is a blatant LIE, btw)
I desperately try and convince one of the other boys to be the Ninja Turtle. To no avail.

Repeat this scene over and over, year after year. Okay, I did get smarter after awhile. You get ONE choice. That’s it. I usually even stood my ground on this rule!

Anyway, Happy Halloween to you. Indulge in candy corn!!

Pre cruise in New Orleans

by Kay~Kacey on 10/29/2008

So, as usual, we do our driving trip thing. We drive. The kids sleep. See, it doesn’t really change at all as they get older…

sleeping in car

Okay, I lied. The Geeky One actually woke up and drove part of the trip to New Orleans.

walking on riverwalk new orleans

We walked along the river. Straight for…

cafe du monde

Cafe Du Monde. We had beignets, of course. Love them. Can’t get enough of them! We’ve even been known to coax SuperGuy into making them at home. Occasionally. Have you had them? They are like the ultimate fried pastry thingie with powdered sugar on them.

Then we walked around the open market in the French Quarter,

photographing New Orleans

doing our photography thing. (doesn’t it look like SuperGuy has a purse on his arm??? Which is oddly strange since I seriously believe he’s afraid of purses. Comes from having all sisters. He won’t pick one up, or dig keys out of one or anything. Purses are very scary things!) 😆

I digressed, of course. Then we ended up…

Pat O'Briens

at Pat O’Briens. Who knew they were open during the day?? Never been there in the day time before, but I’ve sure been there to Pat O’Briens at night.

New Orleans is a wonderful, colorful, noisy vibrant place to visit. Usually a day or so will do me per trip! SuperGuy used to live down here so he really likes to come back and visit. We’re off on a cruise out of here now. Hoping to connect to the internet from the ship!

Travel Tales

by Kay~Kacey on 10/28/2008

See this adorable black and silver bracelet that SuperGuy bought for me? (Don’t you love the curvy links on it??)

Well, he bought it for me twice…

silver and black bracelet

He bought it the first time years ago when we went on a cruise. Bought it in Cozumel. I wore it. I wore it a lot! Then one year at an RWA writer’s conference this lady bumped into me and spilled her wine all over me. In the hubbub to get myself cleaned off, I didn’t notice I had also lost the bracelet. I haunted the front desk and called security while we were there, and even called back and checked with them after I left. No one was kind enough to turn the bracelet back in. I hope whoever kept it enjoys wearing it… :angry: (wait, maybe it was THIS RWA writer’s conference. They all blur together after awhile…)

Anyway, I was really upset. 🙁

So a few years ago we went on a cruise with my parents and the ship stopped at Cozumel. Guess what SuperGuy found? Yep, he found the same bracelet. He asked the salesman if they had another one too, because he wanted to stock up, “just in case”. The jerkface. :love: But, no, they just had the one.

But I have my wonderful bracelet back! Now, what does that have to do with Travel Tales–the title of this post. Bet you were wondering why I didn’t title this post the Amazing Recurring Black Bracelet, right?

Well, this story is all a lead in to the fact that we are taking a quick cruise out of New Orleans with The Geeky One and The Adorable Girlfriend (of the cute shoes). I’m hoping to be able to post daily photos of the trip, so check back daily! But If you don’t see posts until the weekend, you’ll know I couldn’t get the internet to work on my laptop on the cruise.

Oh, but be sure to check here on Friday for Halloween for a touching Mother Daughter moment…

I’m afraid the October Photo of the Month contest will have to be put on hold until we get back. I’m thinking we’ll combine October and November and do a middle of November photo contest instead, since the end of November will be crazy busy since all the boys will be here for Thanksgiving. How does that sound?

Oh, and yes, on the cruise we’re going back to Cozumel! I’m SURE SuperGuy will be hitting that same small shop to see if he can stock up “just in case.” 🙄