wine on the keyboard


Simple Chores

by Kay~Kacey on 8/19/2009

So, my kitchen light has been driving me nuts. The balast in it is going out, so it would sometimes turn on…and more often than not…refuse to turn on. So, I asked SuperGuy if he’d replace the ballast in the light fixture. I mean I liked the light fixture well enough. A simple request, right?

I guess you can figure out where this is headed…ceiling-light-1746

Yep, SuperGuy dropped the light when he was taking it down. Broke the insert.

So we were left with this…


a frame, no insert…and, look, a cracked ceiling to boot. It seems that someone had stepped through the ceiling at sometime. (We have a garage attic that goes over this part of our kitchen). So, the little project, becomes a big project.

I find a new light fixture that I like.


But, of course, the ceiling needs to be repaired, and this fixture is smaller than the old one. So the ceiling needs to be painted. Yes, the whole ceiling, because that’s how SuperGuy does his projects… :crazy:

But now?? With a new shiny fixture, I’m not liking my other old fixtures. Not. At. All.


Definitely hate the fixture over the kitchen sink. Not to mention it has brass on it, and the new one is steel. The old ceiling light/fan over the kitchen table…which is not centered over the table so it drives me nuts anyway…it has to go too. I’d really like a cute teacup chandelier that we saw when we were out antiquing. Hm.

Ah, the joys of a simple chore… I’ll be sure to update with photos when we have all the new lighting up. SuperGuy is SO thrilled with all of this. 😆

Forgotten Chores

by Kay~Kacey on 9/19/2008

You know when you do something to your house and you think “I’ll finish it up this weekend.” But something comes up this weekend. And the next. Soon you forget about what it was you were going to do. Sometimes it creeps into your consciousness, but you don’t really let it fully surface. Sometimes it hits you in the face and you think “I can’t believe I haven’t finished that up yet.”

Well, here is my in-your-face-how-can-I-have-forgotten-it-this-long chore:

worn door knobs

We (well, SuperGuy) replaced the one doorknob. The old one wouldn’t latch and keep the door closed. (the faded doorknob here is a fake–doesn’t turn.) So after he replaced the doorknob I swore I’d take off the hardware when I had time and clean it all up so it would match. Or, if that didn’t work, buy some new hardware. That was like…oh, two years ago.

I walk through this wonderful red door everyday. I guess I just no longer really saw it. Until today. It like hit me in the face. This chore needs to be finished!! I’ll be sure to update with pictures…when it’s finally checked off the to do list.

How about you? Do you have some chore that’s been sitting around for a long time that you’ve almost convinced yourself that you’ve forgotten it??

Secret Pathway

by Kay~Kacey on 9/17/2008

Our sideyard is a mess. A shady pathway to the backyard. Full of extra boards, the wheelbarrow and a ladder too long to fit in the garage without a lot of trouble. So mostly the ladder stays outside.


Realistically this should bug me. It’s messy. But you can’t see it from the front of the house without really, REALLY trying. I think it kind of looks like a romantic walkway to a hidden garden or something. (well, minus the wheelbarrow, log cart, and boards :mrgreen: )

On the left side is a hill, then my wonderful woods that surround my house. And this:


This wonderful ivy. When I first moved to this house my neighbor planted a few runners of it to help with erosion on the hill between our houses. Let’s just say there is no erosion problem now 😉 I love ivy.

So, while I do plan on cleaning up the things stacked against the house, I think I’ll leave this area basically untouched and a bit wild. I like it that way. It reminds me of childhood forts in the woods and covert hiding spots. My secret pathway back into my woods. I’m sure SuperGuy will be glad I’m not adding this to his Honey Do list :mrgreen:

Is your house all perfectly landscaped or a bit on the wild side? Or somewhere in between?