wine on the keyboard


One Thing I Love About Fall

by Kay~Kacey on 10/26/2009

One thing I love about fall? Apples!


Seriously. Crisp, cold apples. These are Granny Smith apples, probably my favorite. Well, except for when I’m baking apple pies. Then I use Jonathan apples. Why? Because my mother and my grandmother made apple pies from Jonathan apples, why else?? :crazy:

Apples are great dipped in caramel. Yum. [I did have dipped in Carmel, you know, like the place in California…] :coffee2:

Apples are also great to dip in my Fabulous Swiss Fondue.  Okay, okay…I confess…it’s SuperGuy’s recipe. I saw that he bought all the ingredients when he went to the grocery store this weekend. (I told you he was a keeper!). I’m hoping he’s going to make it for dinner. No, really, hop on over to that link and check out that recipe. To die for yummy.

Anyway, what was the point of this post???….. Oh, apples…I love ’em. Do you have any to die for apple recipes? I need to dig up my apple crisp recipe and share it with you…

Mid Month Photo of the Month Reminder

by Kay~Kacey on 10/21/2009

Since I did such a lousy job last month reminding everyone about the Photo of the Month Contest, I thought I’d put up a mid month reminder. (okay, to be honest, the fifteenth  or so would have been mid month. Go with me here…)


(Another capture of the lovely Dogwood tree right out my bedroom window. So pretty.)

October’s Photo of the Month theme is FALL. So go forth and capture the perfect fall photos! I’ll call for submissions at the end of the month.

So what is your favorite fall tree? The one you think turns the prettiest in the fall? I have to say, I think my favorite is a maple tree.  Ours died :shakehead:

I miss its brilliant colors. Your favorite?

How I Know It’s Spring

by Kay~Kacey on 4/24/2009

Yippee! It’s that time of year!

Time to open the door to my office and let the smells of spring drift inside.


Which means I get to enjoy my cool screen door. I’m in love with this door. Really. Is it wrong to be in love with a door?? I think not!


I love the gingerbready ornate spindles and curves.


I even love its worn handle with the touch of rust. Sigh. When my door is open and I have the screen door beckoning the world to come inside, then — yes then and only then– I know that it is spring!