wine on the keyboard


Milk Glass Antique Finds

by Kay~Kacey on 11/18/2008

So, you know how we were going antiquing to find bed tables or something to use for a TV stand? Well, instead I found some pieces of milk glass that I just HAD to have.

milk glass buttons and bows

The ruffly one is, I think, a Fenton Glass Buttons and Bows (or maybe Hazel Atlas). I heart it. Lots.

Digressing slightly here… Mary of Little Red House has lots of milk glass that I lust after. Have you seen this milk glass on her blog, or this milk glass in her flickr stream? Lovely.

milk glass basket

Then I had to have this darling milk glass basket to put my jewelry in at night at The Love Nest. Had to have it.

So the story of this milk glass piece…

SuperGuy and I were antiquing and I saw this piece. I liked it and saw it had a crack in it so it was being sold “as is” for $3.50. I felt so sorry for it! I mean, who was going to buy this adorable milk glass basket with a crack in it when there were so many non cracked pieces to be bought? It broke my heart. 😉

cracked milk glass

See the crack? Oh, you can hardly see it? Me neither. Someone did an excellent job of gluing this piece back together.

Anyway, so I mentioned to SuperGuy we should start a “save pile” for the things we find. (at most antique malls they will let you take an item up to the counter and they hold it for you while you continue shopping.) But we wandered on and didn’t pick up the cracked milk glass piece.

At the end of our shopping, I said, “Let’s go back and pick up that cracked milk glass basket.” So we go back and it’s gone! SuperGuy was like “are you SURE this was where it was.” “I’m SURE.” I was strangely upset, but glad that the sad little cracked basket had found a home. Still, I thought it was weird that someone else had nabbed the same piece I wanted in this huge antique mall.

So, SuperGuy goes to buy the stuff while I kind of wander around like I usually do as he checks out…I walk up behind him…and there he is, buying the cracked milk basket to surprise me. I didn’t know whether to smack him or kiss him. 🙄

Now, since I like to use my antiquing finds in unusual ways…I’m using them in the bathroom at The Love Nest.

milk glass in the bathroom

May I Have Another One Please

by Kay~Kacey on 5/27/2008

I want one of these. Well, to be honest, I have one of these. I want another one. Maybe two more. I love it. :love:

porcelain hand

We found this about a year ago when SuperGuy and I were antiquing. I keep it in my kitchen window sill to put my rings and watch on when I’m cooking messy stuff like meatloaf, or pounding bread dough. We paid about $20 for this. I think it’s adorable.

Now I’d like to find another one to give to my friend. We look every time we go antiquing, but no luck. Similar ones, but none I like as much as this one. Well, I lied. Sorry. We did find this exact same one again. It was $75 !!! Now, as you know if you are an flea market/antique shop shopper, half the fun of it is finding a good deal. $75 was NOT a good deal.

Now you’re asking, why didn’t I show it in my kitchen window? Well, I could lie (again) and say it’s because the lighting is lousy in the kitchen…which it is. But mostly it’s because I don’t want you do see my nasty kitchen window. Oh, what the heck. I’m sure I’ve shown you worse…

kitchen window

See, I have this garden window…but the gas seal in it blew, and it is all fogged over so you can’t see out. Then in the winter it leaks cold air, so we put up a clear plexiglass sheet over it while it’s cold. Um, the plexiglass is splattered here, and I need to have SuperGuy take it down because, well, it’s not cold anymore. Anyway, we called a guy to come replace the window and that has been going on forever. So we’re going to call someone else. I hate not being able to see out my kitchen window!!

So many topics in one post. Hands, windows. You just never know what you’ll get when you come visit my blog, do you? So have you ever seen one of these hands when you’ve gone antiquing? Because I want another one! My friend will love it. I want to give it to her, because she finds me the most awesome presents. We kind of give each other presents for no particular reason, you know? Just because we’ve been friends forever.

Don’t forget the May Photo of the Month…the theme is Motherhood. Read more about it here. Anything that motherhood means to you. Read suggestions at the above link. Most creative shot is going to be a BIG winner. Fame and fortune and all that. :mrgreen: Please use the contact link at the top of my website to send me a link to your photo. I’ll remind you once again in a few days, okay?

A Man and a Woman at an Antique Mall

by Kay~Kacey on 4/15/2008

So, we dropped in on some antique malls on our way across the state last weekend. We have fun doing that, and frequently plan our travels around antique malls we’d like to browse through.

new teacup

The woman (that’d be me) finds pretty teacups.

light green glass paperweight

She also finds a darling glass paperweight with cute little bubbles in it to add to her glass paperweight collection.

saw tooth thing

The man (SuperGuy) finds this dirty, rusty old thing and gets all excited. He explained, patiently, two times to his beloved wife what it was. She’s not sure, but what she got out of the totally stimulating explanation 🙄 was some kind of saw tooth thingie.

See, yet another difference between men and women, besides the whole what to use for a vase for flowers.

As an aside, I was NOT holding the camera crooked when I took that picture of the glass paperweight. It’s a bit odd. It doesn’t sit straight, it lists to one side. I’ve convinced myself it adds to its charm.